About Last (Thursday) Night

A few weeks ago a good friend and former colleague asked me to be on a linkedin live event about coaching. We talked over the agenda and I was excited by the prospect of it.

Then the week of the event came, and I started getting nervous about it. Really nervous. Checking social media notifications way too much. Excess worry about what I was going to say, and how I’d react if stumbled over my words. And, making sure i meant what i was saying.

The appointed hour came last Thursday night, and my friend and I did our equipment checks to make sure our gear was ready. We hit record, started the event and…it went really well! The host and I had a great conversation about demystifying coaching, we walked through a coaching session, and answered audience questions. There was a tech stumble or two, but overall, it was great. I really enjoyed the interaction, and taking the veil off coaching.

In the end, I was worried over nothing. And actually, Thursday afternoon, I kept telling myself, you’re fine, you’re in good hands. You can relax. And every time I said that, I chuckled to myself at the absurdity of being nervous about it.

We trip over the future all the time. I did last week. It led to some angst that didn’t need to be there. But it was there, and I dealt with it the best way i could. It’s ok for it to happen—you’re human, and you have to allow yourself to be human. when i trip over the future, i have to remember that the present moment is the greatest gift.

Or in the words of Ram Dass: Be here now.

I’m a career and health coach, helping people gain clarity on their career and health paths. Interested in how a coach can help you? Book your free call, and let’s talk about it.



It’s Really (Coaching) Magic


No Preciousness Here