Moving From Passion to Profession
There have been three things I’ve wanted to do in my life. Weather forecaster, journalist and coach. I’ve been lucky enough to do two of them.
All of them are callings. In journalism and in coaching, I served purposes greater than myself. Bringing knowledge and information in one realm, and bringing clarity in the other.
Emotionally and intellectually, I thrived on the challenges journalism and coaching presented. Those challenges made me step up my game to show up better for others.
What is your calling? What is your purpose? And how can you integrate that into your work, and even make it your work?
I came to my callings through curiosity:
Weather—why are thunderstorms scary?
Journalism—Is the world bigger than the town I grew up in?
Coaching—Helping people be their best selves
These callings have been transformational for me, helping me see the world through a wider lens. Your calling can be just as transformational. And, the real growth comes from pursuing it as life's challenges are coming at you. Here's how you can navigate this journey and create a fulfilling career:
Transitioning between callings calls for both courage and strategic planning. Start by identifying the core values that drive you and the unique skills you have cultivated. Seeking guidance from mentors or joining professional networks in your area of interest is also a boost. As you continue on this path, remember that this transition isn't just about personal fulfillment—it's about finding new ways to contribute value to others and society.
As you pursue your calling, you may have to weigh how soon you want to make a move. And balancing that alongside financial responsibilities can feel daunting. To help you bridge this gap, consider gradual transitions, side projects that nurture your calling, or creative ways to infuse your current role with elements of your passion. This approach allows you to dip a toe in the water of your calling while maintaining stability.
There's an undeniable, gratifying magic in work that aligns with your soul's purpose. To tap into this, integrate small, purposeful actions into your daily routine that reflect your broader goals. This approach helps maintain your sense of purpose even when faced with mundane tasks or challenging circumstances.
Internal Drivers
Your internal expectations are your most powerful motivator. As a coach, for example, my motivation is helping you find the work that works for you. This helps me stay aligned with my core values and aspirations, and helps you define and refine yours. This self-awareness is crucial in maintaining direction and motivation, especially when external pressures mount.
If you're struggling to find meaning in your current role, ask: Can you reframe this as a calling? Seek out opportunities to make a positive impact, no matter how small. How does your work contribute to the greater good? Just a small shift in perspective can transform even the most ordinary job into purposeful work.
Building resilience is essential for sustaining your calling. Life will hand you obstacles, but when you stay grounded in your values and remain flexible, you can adapt to challenges without losing sight of your purpose.
Remember, a true calling extends beyond personal satisfaction—it's about contributing to something greater than yourself. By aligning your work with your values and consistently striving to serve others, you create a career that not only fulfills you but also makes a meaningful difference in the world.
As you navigate your career journey, always check in with yourself: How can I use my unique talents to serve others? How can I create or find opportunities that align with my values? By exploring these questions, you'll not only find greater purpose in your work but also unlock your potential to create lasting positive change.
Weather, journalism, and coaching all speak to me in deep, meaningful ways. They have propelled me forward in ways I couldn’t have imagined. What propels you forward? Leave a comment, I’d love to hear about it.