Expand on what's going right
It’s the end of January, and we’re still talking resolutions. Even if you didn’t start as full on the path as you were hoping, you can still be on the path, with a reframe.
In my coaching sessions, the first question I ask my clients is simple—what’s been going well for you the past week? It gets the session off to a good start, and helps my client see and recall the good things they’ve done for themselves. We’re trying to expand on what they are doing that’s good and right.
January is always a tough month. The weather is bleak, temps are chilly. And this January has been especially rough, with so many layoffs, especially in journalism. I know from personal experience—it is damn hard to see what’s going well in the midst of chaos.
Is there any way to keep trying to expand what you’re doing right, right now? Here are six ways you may want to consider.
1—Success means showing up. Take every (good) meeting that comes your way. Don’t let that unanswered email sit there. Keep showing up.
2—One percent improvement. As my mentor Tom Davidson says, do the next right thing. Keep stacking them.
3—Widen your timeline and narrow your focus. This is an adjunct of No. 2: what can you achieve today, no matter how small.
4—Connect to your power source. It may be your anchor, your partner, or that which is greater. Use it.
5—It takes a village. Reach out to friends and former colleagues, even if you haven’t reached out in awhile. You’d be amazed by the lift a conversation can give you.
6—The mission is bigger than this moment.
It remains so important to see what you’ve done, and are doing right. Those actions are the foundation for your next move, be it continuing your health journey or your work journey. You’ve done great things—recognize them and grow them, even in a difficult season.
I’m Richard Taliaferro, a career and health coach helping people gain clarity on their career and health paths. Interested in how I can help you? I invite you to click on the link, and let’s talk about how I can support you.